Food Service Equipment Product Case Study

Food Service Equipment Manufacturer Turns to Ox Box for Package
Strength and Protection.

The Challenge

A major food service equipment manufacturer in the Midwest was looking for an efficient method of packaging humidified counter warmers. Weighing approximately 365 pounds, the warmers include fragile components and stainless-steel cabinets, so protection was crucial. Also, the packages are constantly stacked and re-stacked during storage, making stacking strength very important.

The Solution

An Ox Box Economical E-Z Crate includes a 1100 grade box with a custom wood pallet, which provides the protection and stacking strength required by the manufacturer. The Ox Box is strapped to the custom pallet with three straps. Ready-to-ship packages are stacked up to six high, minimizing floor space requirements in the storage area.

The Results

  • Provides protection for expensive fragile components.
  • Ox Box provides superior stacking strength.
  • Ox Box stores flat, reducing storage and inventory problems.
  • Ox Box is a recyclable resource.

Learn more about our Economical E-Z Crates solution.

Ox Box 1100 grade box provides cost efficient protection from storage and shipping damage.

Ox Box allows these packages, weighing 356 pounds and more, to be stacked up to six high.

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